The Clutter Relief Newsletter

Our email newsletter keeps you updated on Clutter Relief Services’ services and deals, and also shares tips and tricks for decluttering your space.

Seniors Events In March

Welcome March! March is here and it is going to be a busy month! I have a great team though so we do have space if you are ready to start your decluttering/downsizing journey or finally clear that estate that has been sitting there. Let's hope there isn't too much...

February Special For Self Care

Happy Valentine's Day! Just a quick email today to show some love to all of you.  I know that many of you are on your own, while many others have partners/spouses/special friends.  In any case, if you are reading this I want you to take 30 min today and do...

Happy Holiday Wishes

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Wishing everyone happy holidays and sending positivity to have a wonderful 2025 and get whatever you need and want in life.  We had an amazing cruise and it was so relaxing. We are getting geared up for an even busier 2025 of...

November Happenings

Happy November! It has been a busy month so far and finally getting ready to sit down and work on some behind the scenes things. First off, I am so proud to say that my team and I placed in the top 3 in both of my Reader's Choice Spec Awards yet again. This is my 8th...

Awards, Charities, Travelling and a Birthday Special

Happy October! Hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving. I can't believe we are halfway into the month already. We went to Stratford for the day in September and had a fabulous time. The musical "Something Rotten" was something amazing!  We participated in Rob Golfi's Win...

Who Needs Help This Fall?

Happy September! We hope you've all had a nice summer. We were able to try a lot of local restaurants in lieu of a vacation. Our summer just flew by with work and we are looking towards a busy fall as well so if you are thinking of a move or just feeling overwhelmed...

Reader’s Choice Awards and MaxSold Online Auctions Closing Soon!

Happy August! What a warm July we had working on projects! My A/C in my van stopped working again and was fixed on Friday. We have set up an amazing auction in Oakville which became two auctions as it was so big! Links below to see them and bid by Wed night when they...

Our Services Include Packing and UnPacking

Happy June! I hope your gardens are blooming and you are getting outside more now that the weather has warmed up. My A/C in the van has not worked this year and hoping it is just another leak as it was last year but need to get it fixed soon as the windblown look is...