The Clutter Relief Blog
Read our articles about decluttering, downsizing, organizing tips, and more! Interested in hiring professional organizers? Check out our services for more details!
Summer With Kids
Summer can be a time of great expense in families as parents need to send kids to daycare, daycamps, overnight camps or have vacation time. Even if you don’t need to do those things you might still want to set up some day trips with the family to enjoy the summer. ...
Thoughts On Downsizing
Thoughts On Downsizing “When we avoid change, we avoid improvement and we miss the chance to live radically better lives. So become someone who is always learning and growing.” - Eric Barker I have helped dozens of people downsize out of overcrowded large homes that...
Resisting Change
Resisting Change One of my projects this year, like most, involved a sad situation. I was contacted by a friend of mine who was told after many years, her and her family had to move out of their apartment as the owner was selling. It was a large apartment for a...
My Role As A Professional Organizer
In the last six weeks, I have made many presentations about downsizing and how to help realtors and their clients. I enjoy educating people and making them see things differently.
What To Do With School & Art Work
What To Do With School & Art Work – What to do with all the school/art stuff in the basement? The question I often hear is What do I do with all the schoolwork and artwork from my kids that they have left here?
Start Planning What You Want
Have you spent time wishing that your life was a certain way and yet complaining because it isn’t? Design the life you want to live, plan for it, don’t wish it and the positive energy will flow through you.
How To Have A Happier Life
I no longer live in overwhelm or clutter and I keep my expectations very low so that almost anyone can surpass them.
If you need more help around the house see if you can fit a cleaning lady in the budget or even an organizer who can help you create systems in your home.
Bringing To Light Forgotten Memories
Bringing to light forgotten memories, finding the value in your belongings and reconnecting with your home. If you have a story to go with the photo, write it down and put it behind the photos. This can be an activity for the whole family as you reminisce and share stories.
Celebrate Every Step
You are further towards your goal than you were yesterday! Just keep swimming and one day you will look back and be amazed and how much your life has changed.
You Are Good Enough!
Do you compare yourself with others?
YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH! You are enough and if anyone tries to tell you differently, you talk to me or a friend or someone you know has your back and they will get you straightened out.
Be Prepared To Let Go
How long have you lived in your home and when you last moved, did you declutter first? Need help making decisions and taking things off your hands? Our friendly, hardworking team can help.
Divide And Conquer
“Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs.”
-Henry Ford
Blossom Into The Person You Want To Become
“And the day came, When the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” – Anais Nin
Blossom into the person you want to become.
What Are Your Unique And Valuable Gifts?
“Every Person is born with unique and valuable gifts to share with the world.” -Jen Sincero
What are your unique and valuable gifts you bring to this world?
Laundry Tips For Families
Here are some laundry tips to help you and your family. On Fridays, empty them into your laundry room and sort (we do brights, darks and whites). Then start laundering!