by Clutter Relief Services | May 30, 2024 | Clutter Relief
Summer can be a time of great expense in families as parents need to send kids to daycare, daycamps, overnight camps or have vacation time. Even if you don’t need to do those things you might still want to set up some day trips with the family to enjoy the summer. ...
by Clutter Relief Services | Jul 12, 2023 | Clutter Relief, Downsizing
Thoughts On Downsizing “When we avoid change, we avoid improvement and we miss the chance to live radically better lives. So become someone who is always learning and growing.” – Eric Barker I have helped dozens of people downsize out of overcrowded large homes...
by Clutter Relief Services | Jul 12, 2023 | Clutter Relief, Decluttering, Downsizing
Resisting Change One of my projects this year, like most, involved a sad situation. I was contacted by a friend of mine who was told after many years, her and her family had to move out of their apartment as the owner was selling. It was a large apartment for a...
by Clutter Relief Services | Jun 30, 2023 | Clutter Relief, Clutter Relief Services, Professional Organizing
My Role As A Professional Organizer In the last six weeks, I have made many presentations about downsizing and how to help realtors and their clients. I enjoy educating people and making them see things differently. I also attended the Hamilton Senior Kick-Off last...
by Clutter Relief Services | Jul 27, 2022 | Clutter Relief, Decluttering, Organizing Tips
What To Do With School & Art Work What to do with all the school/art stuff in the basement? The question I often hear is What do I do with all the schoolwork and artwork from my kids that they have left here? Well many times those kids are now in their 30’s-50’s and...
by Clutter Relief Services | Jun 13, 2022 | Habits and Goals, Self-Care
Start Planning What You Want. Have you spent time wishing that your life was a certain way and yet complaining because it isn’t? Have you wished that you could find the perfect mate, win the lottery, repair your relationship with your family or just lose some weight?...
by Clutter Relief Services | Jun 11, 2022 | Habits and Goals, Organizing Tips, Self-Care
How To Have A Happier Life. When I feel overwhelmed – “I stifle myself with negativity and let external events dictate my joy. Monkey mind.” -Gina Allen I lived this way for many years when my anxiety was really bad. I could not see a way out and I had no idea what...
by Clutter Relief Services | Jun 5, 2022 | Decluttering, Downsizing, Organizing Tips
Bringing To Light Forgotten Memories. Here are 4 simple things to help with decluttering in your home. Start with one drawer at a time. Take everything out, clean it out, line it if you have shelf liner and then use containers or plastic baskets or even cut up...
by Clutter Relief Services | Jun 2, 2022 | Habits and Goals, Self-Care
Celebrate Every Step. Baby Steps…sometimes it just takes small, daily steps to make big changes in the end. CELEBRATE EVERY STEP you take. You are further towards your goal than you were yesterday! “Someday you’re going to look back on all the progress you’ve made...
by Clutter Relief Services | Jun 1, 2022 | Habits and Goals, Self-Care
You Are Good Enough! Do you compare yourself with others? YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH! Remember that! Oftentimes being a mother leads to comparisons. Whose baby is better behaved at mommy and me groups? Who is the best volunteer at your children’s nursery co-op? Who...
by Clutter Relief Services | May 27, 2022 | Decluttering, Downsizing, Professional Organizing
Be Prepared To Let Go. How long have you lived in your home and when you last moved, did you declutter first? These are 2 important things to think about since… The longer we live in a home, the more easily it is to collect things… Until it can feel like a burden...
by Clutter Relief Services | May 25, 2022 | Habits and Goals, Organizing Tips, Professional Organizing, Self-Care
Divide And Conquer “Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs.” -Henry Ford 20 min a day minimum. Pick a drawer, cupboard, shelf -remove everything, clean it and then only put back what you use, need or love. Need to ask others in your...
by Clutter Relief Services | May 20, 2022 | Habits and Goals, Self-Care
Blossom Into The Person You Want To Become “And the day came, When the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” – Anais Nin What does this quote mean for you? I feel like those people who have had trauma in their life and...
by Clutter Relief Services | May 13, 2022 | Habits and Goals, Self-Care
What Are Your Unique And Valuable Gifts? “Every Person is born with unique and valuable gifts to share with the world.” -Jen Sincero What are my unique and valuable gifts you may ask? I am generous and kind and friendly and love learning new things. I love...
by Clutter Relief Services | Apr 19, 2022 | Decluttering, Organizing Tips
Laundry Tips For Families Here are some laundry tips to help you and your family.Have a clothes basket in every bedroom. On Fridays, empty them into your laundry room and sort (we do brights, darks and whites). Then start laundering!From Friday after 7 to Monday...
by Clutter Relief Services | Apr 12, 2022 | Habits and Goals, Self-Care
The Art Of Being Happy “The art of being happy lies in the power of extracting happiness from common things.” – Henry Ward Beecher Can you be happy even when things are not going your way? Perhaps you are going through some things in your life that...
by Clutter Relief Services | Apr 5, 2022 | Habits and Goals, Self-Care
Getting Out of Our Comfort Zones Actually, they might not even be comfortable, but they are familiar and way better than going out into the unknown.I lived in a comfort zone for many years. Did what so many of us do -got married, bought a house, got dogs, had kids,...
by Clutter Relief Services | Mar 30, 2022 | Clutter Relief, Decluttering, Habits and Goals, Organizing Tips
Kitchen Organizing Tips What part of your kitchen is the least organized? Set some goals to help get more organized this week. It will make your time in your kitchen every day much more enjoyable. So many times, when we start decluttering homes, we find that they have...
by Clutter Relief Services | Mar 22, 2022 | Clutter Relief, Decluttering, Organizing Tips
Own Less, Worry Less So many of us are always looking and wanting for more…when we really do have everything we need. It is OK to acquire items if you love them and have a home for them in your space. However, if you acquire too much then you must get...
by Clutter Relief Services | Mar 15, 2022 | Habits and Goals, Self-Care
Self-Care Activities Here is a list of some self-care activities to try: Do some journaling Declutter 3 things from your home Take a nap Read a book Drink a glass of water …OR do all of these items every day. If you don’t journal then consider doing a Gratitude...
by Clutter Relief Services | Feb 28, 2022 | Decluttering, Habits and Goals, Self-Care
Are You Ready To Rise Above? “People will never rise above their opinions of themselves” – Peter Sage Limiting beliefs can keep you stuck with past untruths. Have you always had a problem with mess and clutter? Then people started knowing you as the messy one...
by Clutter Relief Services | Apr 3, 2020 | Organizing Tips, Professional Organizing
Multi-Tasking Do you like to spend time with your kids watching T.V.? Well here are some things you can do while in the same room. find sock matches fold laundry sew some tears or buttons dust the room sharpen pencil crayons or test out markers and pens to see what to...
by Clutter Relief Services | Apr 1, 2020 | Decluttering, Organizing Tips
Keeping Records Keep a record of any major purchases for your home. Did you purchase new windows or a new appliance? Did you buy a new furnace or get new carpeting? Keep these records in a file marked “Home Renovations” (or large manila envelope if you don’t have a...
by Clutter Relief Services | Mar 31, 2020 | Decluttering, Downsizing, Organizing Tips, Professional Organizing
Love Your Home Again Do you feel comfortable being home every day?OR, do you dread the mess?Many issues come up in our everyday lives that can cause us to shy away from clean up; depression, perfectionism, procrastination, as well as the common issue of “well if I...
by Clutter Relief Services | Mar 25, 2020 | Decluttering, Organizing Tips, Professional Organizing
Decluttering Tips During this time when most people are in their home more, here are 4 simple things to help with decluttering in your home:Date your preserves and always put the newest ones on the back of your shelvesIf you are not going to use up all your preserves,...
by Clutter Relief Services | Mar 4, 2020 | Decluttering, Organizing Tips
Inbox Organizing It is time to organize your inbox!Make folders for different emails coming in such as health newsletters, store info, friends from different groups, Kijiji replies, Facebook group replies that you need to keep, relatives, etc…. Then delete and then...
by Clutter Relief Services | Mar 4, 2020 | Decluttering, Downsizing, Organizing Tips
Collections Do you like to collect things?Don’t hold onto things you don’t love in the hope that they will appreciate in monetary value! Choose your collections wisely and if you have one, make sure it adds to your happiness and is displayed nicely where it can be...
by Clutter Relief Services | Mar 4, 2020 | Organizing Tips, Professional Organizing
Menu Planning Are you the type of person who loves to buy food on sale?Have you stockpiled quite a bit of it by now?Well now is the time to start designing some meal plans with that food in mind. Look around at all the food you have stored. Check expiry dates and then...
by Clutter Relief Services | Mar 3, 2020 | Habits and Goals, Organizing Tips
Making To Do Lists Go around your house this weekend (with your partner/spouse if you have one) and make a list of all the things that need to be done (holes fixed in walls, caulking on windows, new front door paint etc…) Then assign a number to them in order of...
by Clutter Relief Services | Mar 1, 2020 | Downsizing, Organizing Tips
Memories Do you own a lot of items that were once owned by a relative?What is your reason for keeping them?Is it sentimental?Do you want to pass it down to your kids?Are you afraid they would be mad at you if you were to give it away or throw it out?Only keep items...
by Clutter Relief Services | Feb 25, 2020 | Habits and Goals, Organizing Tips, Professional Organizing
Role Models Starting around age 3.5, kids can start helping around the house. Whether it be folding dishtowels or wiping a sink or putting stuff into the garbage can, children can learn so much from you as parents. So be good role models and if you can’t or are...
by Clutter Relief Services | Feb 21, 2020 | Habits and Goals, Professional Organizing, Self-Care
After School When your kids come home from school, be prepared for them. Get them to empty their bags and lunches and show you any work that needs to be done. Have a healthy snack on the ready and a glass of water and find some comfortable seating to do homework....
by Clutter Relief Services | Feb 15, 2020 | Habits and Goals, Self-Care
Stay In Touch It’s a great time to call an old friend or write letters to people you love/relatives or send encouraging emails to people you admire. Reconnect with a friend or family member this week. Life can be short, and we need to keep in touch more with those we...
by Clutter Relief Services | Feb 5, 2020 | Decluttering, Habits and Goals, Organizing Tips
End Of Day Accomplishments Here’s an idea – after you put the kids to bed at night or around 9 p.m. if you don’t have to worry about kids, set a timer for 20 min – then get to work! Examples of things you can do: file important papers and bills take everything out of...
by Clutter Relief Services | Jan 1, 2020 | Decluttering, Organizing Tips
6 Tips For Fridge Maintenance Here are some great tips for cleaning your fridge that I found on Pinterest! Best Practices for Keeping Your Fridge Organized #1 – Group Like with Like – Categorize items by type and keep related items together. Then, once sorted, have a...
by Clutter Relief Services | Nov 30, 2019 | Habits and Goals, Professional Organizing, Self-Care
Less is More – Mindful Living The last week has been a bit of a blur -lots of workdays and kid chauffeuring and not enough relax time. I got my Christmas tree assembled but not decorated yet. I am working hard this month to automate more of my business so that I am...
by Clutter Relief Services | Nov 20, 2019 | Clutter Relief Services, Decluttering, Professional Organizing
Going The Extra Mile I am so blessed to be able to help so many people. Monday and Tuesday I worked with a client I see a few times a year. She is very generous and loves my team and I. Today, my vehicle is loaded and I have items for the following: Dog stuff for...
by Clutter Relief Services | Nov 5, 2019 | Clutter Relief Services, Downsizing, Professional Organizing
Back In Time Was looking through a garage today and spotted this guy in a corner -children are grown up now so would love to know how Barney ended up by himself out there. So, when I saw this guy, it flashed me back to Sept 11, 2001. My baby who was 7 months and...
by Clutter Relief Services | Nov 3, 2019 | Decluttering, Organizing Tips
Organizing With Young Children These are some things I have learned over the years of having a home daycare and with my own kids. There are not many children who have the initiative or the knowledge to know how to clean their own rooms. Systems should be in place as...
by Clutter Relief Services | Oct 14, 2019 | Clutter Relief, Decluttering, Organizing Tips, Professional Organizing
My Busy Family Home Makeover One year to try to change this family’s life for the better. To help them be better organized by creating homes for all their loved or needed belongings. To help them define “organized enough” for their comfort and to set up systems...
by Clutter Relief Services | Oct 10, 2019 | Clutter Relief, Downsizing, Habits and Goals
Getting A Round Tuit Day 1 of multi-day Downsizing project with Mom and Daughter. This was the text I got last night: “Thx! Mom and I are SO impressed how much u guys got done AND we managed to laugh along the way. I haven’t laughed that hard and long in years!!!! I’m...
by Clutter Relief Services | Oct 1, 2019 | Habits and Goals
The “On Sale” Myth My grandmother used to get Bay Day coupons in the mail, and she would always try to get there before they expired in order to “save the 20%”. She would have saved more by not leaving the house, but this is part of how I was raised. Same with buying...
by Clutter Relief Services | Sep 1, 2019 | Clutter Relief Services, Decluttering, Organizing Tips, Professional Organizing
Starting My Blog Hey there, I have been saying for about three years now that I need to start blogging. Six years ago, I became a Professional Organizer and I have so much to write about that I just didn’t know where or how to start. So, what will I be writing about...