Summer With Kids

Summer With Kids

Summer can be a time of great expense in families as parents need to send kids to daycare, daycamps, overnight camps or have vacation time.  Even if you don’t need to do those things you might still want to set up some day trips with the family to enjoy the summer. ...
Thoughts On Downsizing

Thoughts On Downsizing

Thoughts On Downsizing “When we avoid change, we avoid improvement and we miss the chance to live radically better lives. So become someone who is always learning and growing.” – Eric Barker I have helped dozens of people downsize out of overcrowded large homes...
Celebrate Every Step

Celebrate Every Step

Celebrate Every Step.  Baby Steps…sometimes it just takes small, daily steps to make big changes in the end. CELEBRATE EVERY STEP you take. You are further towards your goal than you were yesterday! “Someday you’re going to look back on all the progress you’ve made...
You Are Good Enough!

You Are Good Enough!

You Are Good Enough!  Do you compare yourself with others? YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH! Remember that! Oftentimes being a mother leads to comparisons. Whose baby is better behaved at mommy and me groups? Who is the best volunteer at your children’s nursery co-op? Who...
Self-Care Activities

Self-Care Activities

Self-Care Activities Here is a list of some self-care activities to try: Do some journaling Declutter 3 things from your home Take a nap Read a book Drink a glass of water …OR do all of these items every day. If you don’t journal then consider doing a Gratitude...
Keeping Records

Keeping Records

Keeping Records Keep a record of any major purchases for your home. Did you purchase new windows or a new appliance? Did you buy a new furnace or get new carpeting? Keep these records in a file marked “Home Renovations” (or large manila envelope if you don’t have a...
Inbox Organizing

Inbox Organizing

Inbox Organizing It is time to organize your inbox!Make folders for different emails coming in such as health newsletters, store info, friends from different groups, Kijiji replies, Facebook group replies that you need to keep, relatives, etc…. Then delete and then...


Collections Do you like to collect things?Don’t hold onto things you don’t love in the hope that they will appreciate in monetary value! Choose your collections wisely and if you have one, make sure it adds to your happiness and is displayed nicely where it can be...


Memories Do you own a lot of items that were once owned by a relative?What is your reason for keeping them?Is it sentimental?Do you want to pass it down to your kids?Are you afraid they would be mad at you if you were to give it away or throw it out?Only keep items...
Stay In Touch

Stay In Touch

Stay In Touch It’s a great time to call an old friend or write letters to people you love/relatives or send encouraging emails to people you admire. Reconnect with a friend or family member this week. Life can be short, and we need to keep in touch more with those we...
The “On Sale” Myth

The “On Sale” Myth

The “On Sale” Myth My grandmother used to get Bay Day coupons in the mail, and she would always try to get there before they expired in order to “save the 20%”. She would have saved more by not leaving the house, but this is part of how I was raised. Same with buying...