Realtor Services

The realtor services we offer you includes getting your clients more money for their homes. We do this by helping to showcase what their home has to offer.

When we help your clients declutter, all the distracting objects can be organized or removed and their home will look larger.

By reclaiming as much space as possible, your future buyer will be able to easily envision themselves in the space or see what needs to be updated.

See how we can help!

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realtor services - Judy Rickey - Clutter Relief Services


When your client doesn’t have the time, energy or mobility to prep their home for sale, call on us to help!

With our team of professional organizers, we can help prepare the home and work with the clients in a timely fashion.

website - Judy Rickey - Clutter Relief Services


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Packing and Unpacking

Another relator service we offer is to to help take items to charities for donation.

Or, we can assist in selling items online or hold an online auction.

In addition, we can take items to the local transfer station.
For instance, we can take away hazardous waste, e-waste, excess recycling and garbage.

Downsizing for Seniors realtor services - Judy Rickey - Clutter Relief Services


realtor services professional organizing service -

Estate Clearing

If there is a large amount of items, we can have the junk removal company come and take it from your  home/driveway.

Once all the excess is removed that the homeowner no longer wants or needs, then we can work on staging.

We can help with pre-staging if you have a stager already.

5 Ways We Help Your Clients with Realtor Services


Our team can help pack up items that will not be needed and store either in a storage room, a garage or even a pod or storage unit.


We can take down old window coverings and pack away any personal memorabilia.

In addition, with our project management skills and resources, your clients will find the process less stressful than if they tried to do it on their own.


We have team members that can put together furniture, put up shelves and hang pictures.

If you need other handyman work we have referrals we can give you


The cleaning service we partner with can come in and have everything cleaned up and ready for you to take pictures.


We can help your clients move by packing and assisting on moving day as well.

We are very respectful and compassionate while also trying to meet the needs of all parties.

By reclaiming as much space as possible your future buyer can easily envision themselves in the home.

Gift Certificates

Clients referred to by a partner realtor will receive a free assessment (Please contact us to receive a gift certificate to provide to your clients).

As a result, you as the realtor can pay for some or all of our services for your clients. And, they will receive the free in-home assessment which is a $150 value.

You can present them with one of our gift certificates or simply tell them what you will cover.

Contact us to discuss how we can help your clients.

Speaking Presentation

Judy is available to speak to your realty office online or in-person on ways to help your senior or overwhelmed clients.