Happy June! I hope your gardens are blooming and you are getting outside more now that the weather has warmed up. My A/C in the van has not worked this year and hoping it is just another leak as it was last year but need to get it fixed soon as the windblown look is not fun.
This month I am an exhibitor at the Senior Kick Off Event in Hamilton at Michaelangelo’s from 10-2 on June 10th. I am also giving another decluttering talk at Sackville Senior Centre on June 19th in the afternoon. For many people, they need to hear it many times before they decide to do something themselves about their clutter. 😊
Packing and Unpacking
Did you know that our team are really good packers and unpackers? Perhaps you are too busy with work or don’t have the motivation or energy to do it yourself. Or maybe your busy family life is preventing you from getting it done. When organizers pack, we try to make sure that we are packing only the items you will use and love so it is always good if the client is around to help decide. We also try to pack like with like and label to the room it will be moving to.
When we are unpacking a client who has not used us to pack we will also most likely go through things that they don’t need or have room for so we can take those away to donation.
Think about how good it will feel to have your boxes ready to go for the movers or to have them all gone or put away and everything in homes so you can start your life in your new space.
If you feel this is something you can use then our team can help!
Click on the link to book in a 30 min phone or Zoom call and see our pricing options.
Tip of the Month: Packing Boxes or Bins
With boxes we put 2 rows of tape at opening and one going the other way. Then we cushion the bottom with scrunched up paper or your linens (for breakables) so that the items are not touching the bottom. We use packing paper from either UHaul or Access Storage. We always stand plates up and also try not to have any give to a box (as in things don’t jiggle). Also we try to find a hard placemat or pan or something similar for the top so that you can not push down on the box. Label the boxes with the room they are going in and if you will not be unpacking right away then the main items in the boxes/bins. Another tip is if you don’t have wardrobe boxes then you can cut a hole in the bottom of a strong clear bag and put the hangers through. Then fold the bottom and tape it and twist tie the hangers. Hope these tips help!
OUR Facebook Community is Growing!!
Have an organizing question? Not sure on where to start downsizing or where to donate to? This is the group to ask all your decluttering questions. I provide the inspiration and get to know you questions and looking to build this community to 500 strong this year. Strength in numbers -get to know me and the support I provide before we work together. Also, many other organizer friends are in there that can help as well. Already a member? Invite your friends!
Click here to join Clear the Clutter, Free your Space and Live your Best Life

If you want to learn more about me and my life and about the decluttering process, downsizing and more, I encourage you to pick up a copy. of my book Clear the Clutter Reclaim your Life
Thank You!
I just wanted to give a HUGE thank you to my amazing team, my clients and community.
I’m so thankful to be able to do what I love and help people reclaim their space so they can focus on all the good things in their lives without the clutter.
Make sure you contact us early enough to get your project booked in when you need it done.
Till next time!