The Clutter Relief Blog

Read our articles about decluttering, downsizing, organizing tips, and more! Interested in hiring professional organizers? Check out our services for more details!

Laundry Tips For Families

Laundry Tips For Families

Here are some laundry tips to help you and your family. On Fridays, empty them into your laundry room and sort (we do brights, darks and whites). Then start laundering!

The Art Of Being Happy

The Art Of Being Happy

The Art Of Being Happy – Perhaps you are going through some things in your life that are difficult and stressful. Can you be happy even when things are not going your way?

Getting Out of Our Comfort Zones

Getting Out of Our Comfort Zones

Comfort zones are just that -comfortable. Actually, they might not even be comfortable, but they are familiar and way better than going out into the unknown.

Kitchen Organizing Tips

Kitchen Organizing Tips

What part of your kitchen is the least organized? Set some goals to help get more organized this week.

Own Less, Worry Less

Own Less, Worry Less

So many of us are always looking and wanting for more…when we really do have everything we need. It is OK to acquire items if you love them and have a home for them in your space.

Self-Care Activities

Self-Care Activities

Self-Care Activities: Do some journaling,
Declutter 3 things from your home, Take a nap, Read a book, Drink a glass of water…or do all of these items every day.

Are You Ready To Rise Above?

Are You Ready To Rise Above?

Have you always had a problem with mess and clutter? Then people started knowing you as the messy one or the cluttered one? Have you always had a problem with mess and clutter? Then people started knowing you as the messy one or the cluttered one?



Do you like to spend time with your kids watching T.V.? Well here are some things you can do while in the same room.

Keeping Records

Keeping Records

Keep a record of any major purchases for your home. When you are ready to sell your home, it is easy to pull out the file to show to your realtor and check any warranty dates.

Love Your Home Again

Love Your Home Again

If you are in a position where your kids don’t even want to invite friends over, where you won’t let people come in past the front door, where having your parents come and visit causes an anxiety attack, then please contact me today. I can help.

Decluttering Tips

Decluttering Tips

During this time when most people are in their home more, here are 4 simple things to help with decluttering in your home.

Inbox Organizing

Inbox Organizing

It is time to organize your inbox! Do this project at night while you are catching up on your favourite shows (or your kids are!)



Don’t hold onto things you don’t love in the hope that they will appreciate in monetary value! Choose your collections wisely.

Menu Planning

Menu Planning

Look around at all the food you have stored. Check expiry dates and then take out the food you have had for a while.

Making To Do Lists

Making To Do Lists

You will be able to accomplish so much more now that you have written it down and made a plan. If something unexpected comes up, then just refocus this month’s to-do list for next months.