Getting Out of Our Comfort Zones
Actually, they might not even be comfortable, but they are familiar and way better than going out into the unknown.
I lived in a comfort zone for many years.
Did what so many of us do -got married, bought a house, got dogs, had kids, worked many part-time jobs and some full-time ones to make money to buy the stuff we needed.
I loved my family, but boy did they stress me out.
So yes, it was my familiar comfort zone but I did not feel like my true self. I gave everything to motherhood and to being there for others, but I lost myself.
My marriage breaking up was one of the hardest things that has happened to me, but I knew it was necessary for both of us to have a chance at finding happiness because it was no longer with each other.
We made each other miserable and that is no way to go through life or to raise kids.
When the girls and I moved into our new townhome which was much smaller than the home we were coming from, there was an adjustment period.
But the best thing for me was I was no longer on edge all the time. I was the one making decisions and I could decide how I wanted my life to be.
That was in 2014 and 7 years later I am now divorced.
I changed my lifestyle and my beliefs and learned more about The Universe and manifesting.
I let go of the I’m not good enough belief I had held onto for so long and embraced the new more confident me.
I started charging what I was worth and showing my daughters my true self and the me I fell in love with again.
I want them to know that if they are unhappy with their lives that they have the power and the knowledge and support to change them.
I am open and ready to have as many new experiences as I can!
Are you still living in your comfort zone, or have you moved out? -Judy
“You can’t experience new lands from the confines of your comfort zone.” -Jen Sincero
Here is another post I wrote to encourage good habits and self-care.