by Clutter Relief Services | Jun 13, 2022 | Habits and Goals, Self-Care
Start Planning What You Want. Have you spent time wishing that your life was a certain way and yet complaining because it isn’t? Have you wished that you could find the perfect mate, win the lottery, repair your relationship with your family or just lose some weight?...
by Clutter Relief Services | Jun 11, 2022 | Habits and Goals, Organizing Tips, Self-Care
How To Have A Happier Life. When I feel overwhelmed – “I stifle myself with negativity and let external events dictate my joy. Monkey mind.” -Gina Allen I lived this way for many years when my anxiety was really bad. I could not see a way out and I had no idea what...
by Clutter Relief Services | Jun 5, 2022 | Decluttering, Downsizing, Organizing Tips
Bringing To Light Forgotten Memories. Here are 4 simple things to help with decluttering in your home. Start with one drawer at a time. Take everything out, clean it out, line it if you have shelf liner and then use containers or plastic baskets or even cut up...
by Clutter Relief Services | Jun 2, 2022 | Habits and Goals, Self-Care
Celebrate Every Step. Baby Steps…sometimes it just takes small, daily steps to make big changes in the end. CELEBRATE EVERY STEP you take. You are further towards your goal than you were yesterday! “Someday you’re going to look back on all the progress you’ve made...
by Clutter Relief Services | Jun 1, 2022 | Habits and Goals, Self-Care
You Are Good Enough! Do you compare yourself with others? YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH! Remember that! Oftentimes being a mother leads to comparisons. Whose baby is better behaved at mommy and me groups? Who is the best volunteer at your children’s nursery co-op? Who...